hey so this week was one crazy week for me. we had so much to do and it filed up all of our time. so here we go,
on Monday right after i get done emailing we were told that we were going
to go to Nacadoches for a sleep over. the assistant's were going on
exchanges with us on Tuesday and they didn't want us to have to wake up
super early for their meeting that they were going to have so they told
us to sleep over at the elders apartment there. we got there and found
out that they had tile floors everywhere. luckily they had two couches,
but we were then told that 2 of the 3 Assistants were sleeping over
there too. it was packed in that tiny apartment. oh and i for got to
say that Elder S**** is an assistant and he was there. we
actually went on an exchange with him on Tuesday. it was so awesome to
see him again.
Tuesday came and we had a huge
breakfast before the meeting and then the meeting went longer than expected. we left there around 2 with a 30 min drive back to our area
and went to a couple appointments with him. he has to be back to Nac by 5
so we didn't get much time with him, but it was still great to see him
then on Wednesday we had another big
trip. since there was going top be a big meeting on Thursday with Elder
Foster of the 70, we got permission to do another sleep over in Dallas
with the assistants. so we drove the 3 and a half hours to Dallas and
got there around 10. the assistants had just barely got back from another
exchange with other missionaries in East Texas when we got there. and
they still had more stuff to do so they told us to go to sleep and they
will see us in the morning. they had to wake up early in the morning so
we didn't get to see them very much but that was ok because we had a
great meeting with elder Foster.
one of the
first things he talked about was IPADS. yes IPADS. well he mentioned
them and said that we need to be obedient and then went on to talk about
missionary work, expectations, and how great God is. it was a really
great meeting. i was glad he came. after he had a meeting with all the
district leaders and since my companion was a district leader he got to
go, and in that meeting Elder Foster told them that ipads will be here
in 2 months. so that means in about 3 months i will be able to use one
and that my last month in the mission will be a really great one.
on Friday it was normal missionary day, but on Saturday we prepared for
a baptism. J***** got baptized. it was so awesome and he was so exited.
the baptism went really great and there was a lot of support there. it
was a really great week.
oh and some transfer news. drum roll...........................i am staying. wooooo. well i hope that you all had a great week. love you.
Meeting with Elder Foster of the 70's |
Elder Jorgensen and Elder S****** |
Baptism!!! |